Posts Tagged ‘MF Kent’

Welcome back

Posted on: January 4th, 2017 by David Finch

Welcome back and Happy New Year to you all. I hope that you had a wonderful time with family & friends and are well-rested.

All MF Kent classes are fully up and running as of today and I am very excited about what 2017 has to offer for you all. Our school club work will commence from Monday, 9th January.

The 2017 diary will be published today in the student login section of this website so please keep and eye out and make note of any dates that may apply.

As usual, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me and I look forward to seeing you all back in class working towards your next goal, whatever they may be.

Best Wishes for 2017

Master Finch

New school opening in Ashford – January, 2017

Posted on: December 14th, 2016 by David Finch

We are delighted to announce the opening of a brand new school in Ashford, Kent.  As part of our MF Kent family we are delighted to be teaching from Ashford Oaks Primary School who are also very excited.  As part of this we will be working very closely with the school to share the benefits of Martial Arts within the community.

At this location we will be teaching every Tuesday:

Mighty Matts (3-6yrs): 5:00pm

Family (7yrs+): 5:45pm

There will be an OPEN EVENING on Tuesday, 10th January and we hope as many of you as possible will be able to join us for our launch night.

Colour-belt Grading – 11th December

Posted on: November 23rd, 2016 by David Finch

From today we will start tag-testing for the Colour-belt Grading being held on Sunday, 11th December (Canterbury).

For those students who we believe are ready to move up to the next level we will tag them and hand out the information needed for the day and homework.  All forms are available to download from the student login section of the website.

This is the last Grading for 2016 so I am sure it will be an exciting event and a wonderful way to close 2016.  For those students who are not quite ready we will be releasing the 2017 diary very soon so we can work with you to plan your next goal.

British Championships Success

Posted on: November 7th, 2016 by David Finch

Saturday, 5th November saw the 2016 British Championships in Swindon. With over 300 competitors from as far afield as Devon to Cornwall it was always going to be an exciting day for our little team and it did not disapoint.

After weeks of intense dedication and training our intrepid team entered with lots of passion and determination and the results certainly showed.  From Hugo & Henry going crazy in the Mighty Matt Wavemaster category to Charlie, Emily and Millie performing to an amazing standard we are all incredibly proud!

A huge thank you goes to our die-hard team of family supporters who are such an important part of our MF Kent family as well as our dedicated Instructors who give up more time and energy than most people realise.

The day was also a very exciting step for our Junior Instructors; Lauren Coulthard & Charlie Hinder. With 10yrs of experience each and many tournaments under their belts they were given the opportunity to judge and referee and they did this with exceptional professionalism, enthusiasm and ability.  They certainly represented the MF Group and MF Kent extremely well and we are all so proud of this huge positive step forward.

We were also treated to a new Instructor Forms category which, as you would expect, was of exceptionally high standard.  Congratulations to Mr K.Homewood for coming out of retirement and performing so well – wonderful and inspiring to see.

Hugo & Henry worked so hard on their Hand-Drills for this competition and to stand in front of hundreds of people and perform as they did (and at such a young age) was a huge accomplishment.  Millie had some exceptional performances, including top 5 placing in the Extreme Kicking and top 6 pacing in the Hand-Drill category.  Emily had yet another successful championships which included competing against Charlie in the final of the Hand-Drill category and then clinching the British Title with Charlie in the Pair Forms.  An amazing performance from them both.  Charlie added to his championships haul with an inspired performance in the Hand-Drill category.

Our team consisted of:

  • Charlie Hinder: 2 x Gold
  • Emily Calder: 1 x Gold, 3 x Silver
  • Millie-Rose Hinder
  • Hugo Ross-Phillips
  • Henry Ross-Phillips

Small in number – huge in stature.

Congratulations to you all.

Master Finch

MF Kent Facebook Page

Posted on: November 1st, 2016 by David Finch

In the next week or so we will be closing the original MF Kent Facebook page to concentrate on the official MF Kent business page and those pages specifically linked to each location (MF Canterbury etc).

We use these pages to share important and exciting information for our students & parents.  Please “like” and “follow” all the relevant pages (click each link):

MF Kent

Matt Fiddes Martial Arts Canterbury

Matt Fiddes Martial Arts Herne

Matt Fiddes Martial Arts Chilham

Matt Fiddes Martial Arts Maidstone

Matt Fiddes Martial Arts Staplehurst


Staplehurst – Thur, 27th Oct

Posted on: October 27th, 2016 by David Finch

School holiday class times:

Staplehurst Village Centre (North Hall):

  • Mighty Matts & Juniors – 4:00pm
  • Seniors – 4:45pm
  • Weapons – 5:30pm

See you all there.

Light up the City – charity walk / run

Posted on: October 12th, 2016 by David Finch

Light Up The City 2016

Saturday, 22nd October 2016

Dane John Gardens, Canterbury

We are delighted to once again be supporting Pilgrims Hospices and their “Light Up The City” event this year.

This is an utterly unique charity event taking in the sights and sounds of Canterbury at night and this will be the 4th year that the MF Kent family have helped and supported this event.  Last year the event raised an amazing £20,500 and I am sure we can improve on that.

You can register by clicking here.

This is open to all members of the family, of any age and you can even take your pet on the walk!

  • 3km Walk
  • 5km Run

So dust off your trainers and find something that glows and come and join this hugely popular and fun event!

See you there!

Master Finch

Wednesday, 5th Oct – CANTERBURY CLASSES

Posted on: October 4th, 2016 by David Finch


Wednesday, 5th October 2016

All classes run from the Chaucer School, Spring Lane, CT1 1SU on this date due to SLGS having an Open Evening.

The classes will run at the usual times.

See you all there.

Grading Day a huge success

Posted on: October 3rd, 2016 by David Finch

Sunday, 2nd October saw over 70 of our MF Kent family test for their new belts and for some, achieve a huge goal of becoming a Black Belt.

We were honoured to have Master James visit to run all of our Gradings from little Mighty Matts nervously taking their first Grading to experienced adults testing for their Black Belt.  His feedback was extremely positive and included high praise for our Panel Grade students.

Well done to everyone single student who took part.  You have thoroughly earned your new belts and I cannot wait to present them to you.  Also, a huge thank you to the MF Kent Team of Instructors, Junior Instructors and parents who helped ensure the day ran so smoothly.

I will announce exactly when new belts and certificates will be presented but we are aiming for Monday, 10th October onward for colour-belts, red-stripes and red belts.

Amongst the many successes I would like to announce the promotion of the following new belts:

Red Belt

  • Millie-Rose Hinder
  • Isabel Charter
  • Jack Seal
  • Charlie O’Halloran
  • Thomas Lower
  • Zakariya Mughal
  • Joshua Boon
  • Kevan Pussella
  • Samuel Parkin
  • Tristan Pagden
  • Harry Loeffler
  • Isabella Loeffler

Deputy Black Belt

  • Allison Bridges

1st Degree Black Belt

  • Nick Chivers
  • Rebecca Matthews
  • Kiren Santhosh
  • Milen Santosh
  • Harry Milton
  • Charlie Charter

2nd Degree Black Belt

  • Milo Baker

Congratulations to you all – I am very proud of everyone.

Master Finch

Championship Training

Posted on: September 26th, 2016 by David Finch


5th NOVEMBER 2016


This exciting day is fast approaching and we will be running 2 Championship specific training sessions in conjunction with our normal classes.   These are ideal preparation for any student wishing to take part and compete.

The Championships are open to all students from Purple Belt and above and all ages, including our Mighty Matts!  The categories are:

  • Forms
  • Team Forms
  • Sparring (points)
  • Sparring (continuous)
  • Hand-drills
  • Kick-boxing Drill
  • Xtreme Kicking Combo
  • Wave Master (Mighty Matts only)

The Championships training sessions will be held as “open mat” sessions which means you can come along and practice whatever you wish for the big day.  We will be there to guide and suppport you.  The sessions are:

Chilham Sports Centre, Chilham:

  • Sunday, 16th October
  • Sunday, 23rd October

Tickets for both spectators and competitors can be purchased from here. (spectators under 12yrs go FREE!)

See you all there!

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