Posts Tagged ‘MF Kent’

Summer shut down

Posted on: July 26th, 2017 by David Finch

As usual, each summer it is important that we all have a little break from the normal routine to charge the batteries.  This year our summer shut down will be:

Monday, 21st – Sunday, 27th August (inclusive)

There will be no classes running during this period.  All classes will run as usual before and after this little break.

Happy holidays!

Belt & certificate presentations

Posted on: June 27th, 2017 by David Finch

After the wonderful successes of the past Grading we are excited to let you know that belt & certificate presentations will take place across our schools from Monday, 3rd July onward.

Be sure to bring along family, friends and cameras and join in the celebrations.

Those students who have reached 1st Degree Black Belt and above, we will contact you when your belts have been completed.

See you soon.

Father and son running for Cancer Research

Posted on: June 6th, 2017 by David Finch

On Sunday, 2nd July one of our adult Black Belts, Saom, and his father Amir, will be taking part in Man on the Run; a wonderful 5k run raising much needed funds and awareness for male cancer research.

This is such a fantastic cause and challenge – one which we know you will both triumph in.

Good-luck to you both and let’s all help them hit their fundraising target.

To sponsor them please click here to go to their Justgiving page.

Day of P.E. at Hernhill Primary

Posted on: April 25th, 2017 by David Finch

On Monday, 24th April we were invited to spend a day at Hernhill Church of England Primary School to deliver a day of Martial Arts P.E. lessons.

We taught 5 lessons for years 2-6 and what a fun time we had.  All the children were incredibly focused and well behaved and really got stuck in!  Lots of kicking, balance and learning about what it takes to be a champion in life.

Thank you to everyone involved and well done to all of the wonderful children.

South-East Championships

Posted on: April 3rd, 2017 by David Finch

The South-East Championships is a really exciting day for all students and families to come together and demonstrate their passion, determination, skill and sportsmanship.  This is an excellent opportunity for students of all ages and experience to show their talents.

This year we have the chance to take part in a tournament relatively close to home and we are looking to take a team of 30 students.  The details are:

Edenbridge Leisure Centre, Edenbridge

Sunday, 7th May 2017

This is open to all students from Purple Belt and above with categories for:

  • Hand-Drills
  • Extreme Kicking Combination
  • Sparring
  • Forms
  • Pair Forms
  • Kick-Boxing

To enter simply follow the link, complete and hand in the form and money to Master Finch.

In class we will be dedicating time towards this exciting event.  If you are unsure or have any questions please do speak to an Instructor or any students who have taken part in such events.

Come and be a part of team MF Kent!

Sparring kit – SALE NOW ON

Posted on: March 20th, 2017 by David Finch

After such an exciting Grading this weekend there are lots of exciting times ahead, whether they be learning new techniques and drills or preparing for the South East Championships (7th May 2017).

To celebrate this exciting time we are offering a special discount on all sparring equipment.  This is available for all students.  Having sparring equipment in class will help all students take their training up another level and allow them to train in greater safety and comfort when performing certain drills.

10% discount on individual items (feet protection etc) – RRP £30.00

15% discount on full sparring package – RRP £90.00

20 discount on full sparring package only (2+ family members)

  • items must be paid for when ordering
  • offer expires 5th April 2017

Speak to your Instructor in class or e-mail

Master Finch

Changes to Weapons Classes – spaces available

Posted on: March 20th, 2017 by David Finch

Change to the Leadership Programme

As you know, we currently run a 6-month rotation on the Leadership / Weapons programme.  After reviewing this and with feedback from various parties, I have decided to change the content of this programme.  The aim of this is to:

  1. Continue to offer variations outside of the normal MF programm
  2. Use the classes to add greater benefit to your normal Junior / Adult classes

Consequently, the Leadership / Weapons programme will consist of the following monthly rotation:

–               Weapons skills

–               Street self-defence & board breaking

–               Fitness training

–               Forms training

–               Championship / Sparring training

–               Grading preparation

–               Guest instructors

You will be informed what is coming up next a month in advance:

March    –               Bokken

April       –               Championship / Sparring training

The cost for this refreshed programme will remain the same. To continue in this class you do not need to do anything.  If you are new to the programme please see below.

Special Leadership Uniform:

Students who are part of the Leadership / Weapons Programme are still able to wear the MF Black uniform.

Who can join the Leadership Programme?

To enrol onto the Leadership Programme students must:

  • Be 7yrs and above
  • Show the correct attitude and focus in class

NOTE:    Places will be limited for this special programme due to safety and insurance reasons.  If places become available students may join once they have been personally invited and recommended to do so by their instructor.


Timetable                       Canterbury           –               Sunday                  6:15pm

Maidstone            –               Friday                     6:00pm

Staplehurst          –               Thursday               7:30pm



To find out how to get started and book your place please e-mail

Master Finch

April – school closures

Posted on: March 7th, 2017 by David Finch

Due to the Easter weekend and a National Instructor Training weekend the following class closures will be in effect:

  • Saturday, 1st April (Herne)
  • Sunday, 2nd April (Canterbury)
  • Friday, 14th April (Maidstone)
  • Saturday, 15th April (Herne)
  • Sunday, 16th April (Canterbury)

There will be no classes on these dates.  Please feel free to attend any other schools / classes to make up for missed classes.  For class information please e-mail

Thank you

March Grading – tag-testing

Posted on: February 27th, 2017 by David Finch

Tag-testing commencing Monday, 27th February onwards

The first Grading day of 2017 is fast upon us and I am so excited to see you all work so hard towards your next goal, whatever that may be.

The first Grading for 2017 is:





Sunday, 19th March 2017 (Simon Langton Boys School, Canterbury)

  • Mighty Matts: 0930hrs
  • Juniors & Adults: 1015hrs
  • Panel Grading (Red-Stripe & above): 1200hrs

If you have been awarded your black tag you will also be given a letter explaining what you need to do next.  If you have not been awarded your black tag you have no need to worry.  There is no rush and everyone progresses at different speeds.

School Half-Term – classes as normal

Posted on: February 13th, 2017 by David Finch

Just a reminder that all of our classes will be running as normal with the exception of our Staplehurst School (please see below).

With the first Grading of 2017 looming it is important to train consistently and with the same effort and energy.


Staplehurst Village Centre, North Hall

  • Mighty Matts & Juniors: 4:00 – 4:45pm
  • Seniors: 4:45 – 5:30pm

See you soon

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