Posts Tagged ‘MF Kent’

Seminar with Bill “Superfoot” Wallace

Posted on: April 14th, 2015 by David Finch

Sunday, 17th May 2015 – Swindon (new venue!)

Bill “Superfoot” Wallace

This is your chance to learn from and watch one of the most successful competition and exhibition Martial Artists and charismatic Instructors in the world.

We have pre-booked 12 spaces for MF Kent students and this event will fill fast.

Simply contact me to book your place:

Master Finch 

Wallace1 Wallace2

2015 Regional Championships – Swindon – UPDATE

Posted on: March 3rd, 2015 by David Finch

Regional Championships

16th May 2015

Oasis Leisure Centre, Swindon



The application form for the 2015 Regional Championships in Swindon is now available to download from the student login section of our website.


You will notice a few exciting changes to the categories for this year and these include:

  1. Hand-Drill category only (best technique has been removed)
  2. Speciality “Extreme Kicking Combo” category
  3. More  Sparring categories
  4. More Hand-Drill categories
  5. More Kick-Boxing categories

For your diary:

NEW for 2015  is the South-East Championships to be held on 20th June 2015 at the K2 Leisure Centre, Crawley .

Students are welcome to compete in either or both of these tournaments.


2015 Diary – Gradings & Championships

Posted on: January 21st, 2015 by David Finch

The 2015 diaries are now available to download from the student login section of our website

  • 2015 Grading Diary
  • 2015 Championship Diary

As you can see, we have a busy and exciting year ahead and I am very much looking forward to working with you all on your various goals.

You will notice a couple of small changes:

  1. Two of our Colour-Belt Gradings will be held in Maidstone and not Canterbury
  2. We have an additional Championship date which is ar closer to home.  Nearer the time we will also speak to you all about the NEW categories that we have introduced to make these days more exciting & competitive for everyone.

Exciting times ahead

Happy New Year

Posted on: January 5th, 2015 by David Finch

Happy New Year to each and everyone of you.  Hopefully the festive break was full of laughter and cherished memories and you are now rested and raring to go for 2015.

All of our classes are back to normal from this week so there is no time like the present to dust off your training equipment and start the year with a bang.

There are lots of exciting things planned for this year and we are all looking forward to seeing you back in class this week.

Best Wishes for 2015

The MF Kent Team

Limited Edition Teddy Bear

Posted on: December 2nd, 2014 by David Finch

Just for Christmas 2014 we have commissioned a special MF Kent Teddy Bear.  The perfect little stocking filler.

Each year we will produce a different bear for your collection.  There are now only 24 bears left so do order your early.

Speak to your Instructor or e-mail us at

ONLY £19.99


NEW additions to clothing range

Posted on: October 29th, 2014 by David Finch

We have listened to your feedback and are really excited to announce 3 NEW additions to our MF Kent Clothing Range.

In addition to our normal range of:

  • personalised hoodies
  • t-shirts (cotton and cool-tech)
  • beanies gym towels
  • MF Premier Range (t-shirt, hoody, tracksuit bottoms)  

You can now purchase:

  • MF Kent base layer – £15.00
  • MF Kent personalised zip-up hoody – £35.00
  • MF Kent tracksuit bottoms – £30.00


Great savings when you purchase together:

Tracksuit bottoms + zip-up  / normal hoody = £50.00 (saving £15.00)

Speak to you instructor for more details and to order yours now.

New base layer

New zip hoodyNew trousers


More Success for MF Kent Students

Posted on: October 13th, 2014 by David Finch






Saturday, 11th October saw the second of our Southern Panel Gradings in Swindon and it was certainly an amazing way to finish 2014.

It is with great pride to announce the following promotions:


  • Oliver Barron


  • Susan Daly
  • Sardeep Gill
  • Bryn Homewood
  • Charlotte Radford

Congratulations – Panel Grading Success

Posted on: October 6th, 2014 by David Finch

Sunday, 5th October saw the culmination of weeks and in some cases years of hard work and dedication as many of the MF Kent family took part in the South Panel Grading in Canterbury.

It was a hugely positive morning and followed the wonderful Colour-Belt Grading the weekend before.  Congratulations to each and every student that took part.

It is with great pride that we announce the following promotions:


  • Charlie Charter
  • Thomas Harrison
  • Harrison Cullen
  • Harry Richardson
  • Lauren Russell
  • Megan Hill
  • Megan Carter


  • Aryana Anisi
  • Ernest Brenchley
  • Ben Osbourne
  • Mia Neeves
  • Lily Farrow-Foster
  • Jack Yates
  • Oscar Edge


  • Romesh DeZoysa
  • Saom Anisi
  • Billy Hill
  • George Salih
  • Harry Salih


  • Jack Salih
  • Edward Carter
  • Bridget Manser
  • Gill Gibson
  • Frankii Gibson


MF Kent part of Junior Sport Development Camp: “Making Winners”

Posted on: September 2nd, 2014 by David Finch

The Canterbury Academy is running a pilot project looking at developing talent within sport. The aim of the project is to provide an experience for talented children that will get them thinking, working hard on sports related skills and most importantly having fun in an inspiring environment. The programme is designed to develop the sporting potential of a selected number of young children in the local area. The target age range is for Year 5 pupils (9/10 year olds) and we have selected a group of 28 children to make up the first intake.

The aim is to give these talented 10 year olds an experience that will provide them with some core physical and mental skills that will help them succeed in sport and other walks of life whilst maintaining the fun element that is so important for all of us involved in sport. A key part of the programme will be looking at what it takes to be a winner in sport and to ensure that the children know how to win and lose with dignity. In this day and age of high stakes in sport, some of the traditional values associated with sportsmanship and fair play have become blurred and we will work very hard to have this as a key foundation to the programme.

MF Kent has been selected to provide Martial Arts tuition for the duration of the course to teach the children not only the key physical skills that can be of benefit in all physical activities (balance, flexibility, agility etc) but also the vital mental skills such as self-control, determination, focus & much more.

The Canterbury Academy works with a number of sports clubs, coaches and national governing bodies and this pilot project will aim to bring a whole host of partners together to help inspire some of Canterbury’s future sporting stars.

Martial Arts PE at Chislet Primary School

Posted on: September 2nd, 2014 by David Finch

This academic year we are really excited to be teaching 3 blocks of Martial Arts PE lessons at Chislet Primary School.

Over the next 3 terms we will be taking every child through a course of fun-filled Martial Arts whilst teaching them the benefits of healthy living and valuable Life-Skills.

We would like to thank both the school and the wonderful PTA who have worked together to fund this project.

An exciting year ahead!

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