Posts Tagged ‘MF Kent’

British Championships & extra training

Posted on: September 28th, 2015 by David Finch

British Championships

Saturday, 7th November 2015

Oasis Leisure Centre, Swindon

It is that time of year again already where we are gearing up for the British Championships to be held in Swindon.

This is a really exciting day for the whole family and each event the MF Kent Team have attended we have come home full of pride and huge personal achievements across the board.

NEW for 2015:

This year all applications must be completed on-line – please use the following link to ensure your place.

2015 British Championships on-line registration

Championship Team Training

We will be running FREE training for any students thinking of competing this year.  Whether it is your first time or you are a seasoned professional these sessions are ideal practice for the big day (on top of your regular classes):

Chilham Sports Centre, Chilham

  • Oct, 11th         –              1015 – 1145hrs  
  • Oct, 18th         –              1015– 1145hrs  
  • Nov, 1st           –              1015 – 1145hrs   

Please speak to your Instructor for more information.

Category list: please note that some of the categories are slightly different from the Regional Championships (noticeably the sparring) and there is a NEW category just for Mighty Matts.

2015 British Form NEW_Page_2

September – “Double Points” month

Posted on: September 2nd, 2015 by David Finch

SEPTEMBER is “Bring a Buddy = Double Points”

For the entire month whenever you recommend a friend or family member to join you can earn DOUBLE POINTS!!!

For September only:
Recommend a friend = 10pts
Friend joins = 30pts

Points = prizes!

ALSO…..there is a SPECIAL prize for the member that refers the most people in September.

You can invite people in a number of ways:
1. Pass their contact details to your Instructor and they will personally invite hem to class.
2. Bring them to class for a FREE trial
3. Use the MF App to invite them (all class details will be automatically sent to them)

See you Instructor for your points card or we can add your points on the MF App.

Canterbury – Wednesday classes

Posted on: September 2nd, 2015 by David Finch

From today (2nd September) all the classes in Canterbury will be back in the gym at the normal times.

See you then.

Official MF App – now live

Posted on: August 3rd, 2015 by David Finch

After 13-mths of development and 2 weeks of testing we are proud to announce the latest addition to our MF Family – the Matt Fiddes Social App. Thank you to all of you who have downloaded the test App and given such great feedback.

For those of you who have previously downloaded the App please:

  1. Delete your current App
  2. Go to either the Apple or Android store and download
  3. Your login details will still work

This App will be used to communicate important information and share news between students and schools.  You will also be able to;

  • Inform your Instructor if you are going to miss a class
  • Personally invite friends / family members to class with you

There are also lots of exciting updates and additions planned, all designed to improve student service.

Poster Students frontPoster Students back

Summer Fun Days – August

Posted on: July 20th, 2015 by David Finch

Summer fun days 2015

We are delighted to once again be supporting the National Play Day campaign by having a stand at these popular summer fun days.

The events aim to bring communities together, showcase local organisations and allow people access to information that can help improve their quality of life.

Activities on offer range from information stalls, physical activities, personal health, creative crafts and sensory play to performing arts, cool science, spiritual growth, uniformed groups, and support for minority groups.


The dates are:

  • 5th August – Canterbury
  • 19th August – Herne Bay
  • 26th August – Whitstable

If you would like to take part in a demo class and help on the stand please let us know.  It will be fantastic to show everyone how amazing you all are.

Come and say “hi!” at a day of summer fun and activity.


South East Championship success

Posted on: June 21st, 2015 by David Finch

Saturday, 20th June marked the first ever MF South East Championships in Crawley and to say it was a success would not give it justice.

Without exception, the entire team of students were amazing today and each and every one of you can be so proud! To stand up and be counted as you all did takes courage, determination and commitment and to see you all grow in confidence as the day unfolded was truly inspiring.

Of course, this would not be possible without our wonderfully dedicated team of Instructors and Assistants as well as our passionate and energetic group of families and friends who came to support today. As one big family I feel we can be very proud today.

The standard from all schools was amazing to watch and the sportsmanship and effort was humbling. From those competing for the first time to the seasoned professionals, you are all winners.

We took a team of 20 students of all ages and came home with many wonderful memories, amazing performances, huge pride and an unprecedented 33 medals.

Master Finch

SE Championship Training

Posted on: May 20th, 2015 by David Finch

South East Championships

20th June 2015

K2 Leisure Centre, Crawley

TRAINING DATES: 7th & 14th June 2015 (Chilham Sports Centre, Chilham)

The first ever Matt Fiddes South East Championships!

2015 also brings with it more categories:

– more sparring categories split by belt
– more Kick-Boxing categories split by belt
– hand-drill ONLY category
– Extreme Kicking Combo category

We are putting on some extra free training for all ages and students. If you are thinking of or definately competing be sure to speak to your Instructor.

7th & 14th June 2015

Chilham Sports Centre, Chilham

10:15 – 11:15am; Forms, KB, HD, Extreme Kicking Combo

11:15 – 11:45am; Sparring

Exciting day with Grand-Master Murphy

Posted on: May 11th, 2015 by David Finch

Sunday, 10th May saw the MF Kent family host world renowned Grand-Master Murphy, 7th Degree Black Belt and one of the founders of Taekwondo in the UK.

We would like to thank him for such an energetic and passionate morning of classes and for all of you parents and students who attended and took part.  An amazing opportunity to learn from one of the best.

2015-05-10 11.49.51

NEW Leadership (Weapons) class – Maidstone

Posted on: May 8th, 2015 by David Finch


FRIDAY, 6:00pm

We are very excited to announce the launch of a NEW Weapons class (also known as Leadership) at our Maidstone School.  We currently run these from our Staplehurst & Canterbury Schools and so are very pleased to extend this class  further.

The Leadership Programme is a fun and dynamic programme of classes where you will be taught a wide variety of Martial Arts skills that are not in the normal Matt Fiddes White – Black curriculum.

Lessons will be taught in blocks of 4wks, learning:

  •  Weapons skills
  • Brazilian Ju-Jitsu
  • Street fighting skills
  • Traditional Taekwon-Do techniques
  • Forms
  • Competition sparring
  • Board Breaking
  • & more!

Special Leadership Uniform:

Students who are part of the Leadership / Weapons Programme are able to wear the MF Black uniforms.

Who can join the Leadership Programme?

To enrol onto the Leadership Programme students must be:

1)    7yrs and above

NOTE:            Places will be limited for this special programme due to safety and insurance reasons.  If places become available students may join once they have been personally invited and recommended to do so by their instructor.


 You will have the opportunity to try a Leadership class for FREE!

Friday  –                       15th May, 2015

6:00 – 6:45pm (this will be the normal time)

If you enrol the classes will start on Friday, 22nd May 2015

To book your place (space is limited!) please speak to your Instructor asap.

Grand-Master Murphy visit – Sunday, 10th May

Posted on: April 29th, 2015 by David Finch

Sunday, 10th May 2015

Simon Langton Boys School (gym)

We are very proud and excited to announce that Grand-Master Frank Murphy will be visiting our Canterbury School to teach some classes.

GM Murphy is Master Fiddes’ Instructor and one of the UK’s original pioneers of Taekwondo.

This is an exceptionally rare and unique opportunity and one not to be missed.  You will all learn so much from one of the world’s best!

The classes are open to all students  and they will replace the normal classes in Chilham & Canterbury (evening):

Mighty Matts – 10am

Juniors – 11am

Adults – 12pm

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