Due to the school having no heating for the past 48hrs the venue is closed and therefore we will not be able to run classes this evening.
Please accept our apologies for the late notice – they were hoping to have the problem solved by this time.
We will endeavour to add a little extra time to classes to make up for this week. In the meantime, wrap up warm and we will see you next week (20th Dec) for the last class of 2022 and for some belt presentations for our successful students at the last grading.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish each and every student and family a very happy festive period. 2022 has been an exceptionally positive year with so many achievements across the board. Have a good rest and I look forward to seeing you all for more in 2023.
Apologies for the late notice but due to an event on 3rd & 10th December all classes will be held in the PRIMARY SCHOOL on those dates (usual times) – CLICK HERE FOR MAP
Due to the size of the hall we will not be able to welcome spectators, however there is plenty of viewing space through the windows should you wish.
Deadline for registration – midnight, 1st December 2022
For all of those students who have been tagged (received a black tag on the end of their belt and received a text / WhatsApp message) please note that the deadline to register is midnight, 1st Thursday 2022.
If you have already registered you do not need to do anything else.
To register, please use the link that was sent to you.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact kent@mattfiddes.com.
are very excited to announce the launch of a brand new set of classes at Reculver Church of England Primary
School (map).
These classes will be taught by Miss Calder and will be starting on Thursday, 10th November 2022.
class timetable will be:
Mighty Mats (4:30 – 5:00pm)
Juniors (5:15 – 6:00pm)
Adults (6:15 – 7:00pm
your membership is currently for more
than 1 class per week then you are more than welcome to
attend this additional session (please e-mail Miss Calder to confirm your
attendance: misscalder@mattfiddes.com).
Do you want to train more than 1 x a week?
you would like to add an extra class to your membership and attend more than
one class per week simply e-mail me for details and we can make this quick
alteration to your membership. For as little as £20 extra per
month you could double your number of classes (kent@mattfiddes.com).
you are planning on attending this new school please note that there is no
parking within the school car park. Parking is either in the nearby
church car park or along the road outside.
Apologies for the late notice but due to an parent’s evening being held at the Academy all classes will be held in the PRIMARY SCHOOL today (usual times) – CLICK HERE FOR MAP
Due to the size of the hall we will not be able to welcome spectators, however there is plenty of viewing space through the windows should you wish.
Apologies for the late notice but due to an open day being held at the Academy all classes will be held in the PRIMARY SCHOOL (usual times) – CLICK HERE FOR MAP
Due to the size of the hall we will not be able to welcome spectators, however there is plenty of viewing space through the windows should you wish.