Welcome back (from 2nd December)

Posted on: December 1st, 2020 by David Finch

Classes are back open from Wednesday, 2nd Dec

After careful study of the new tier system across Kent we are delighted to be able to safely open our classes from Wednesday, 2nd December.

Please note the following:

  1. All COVID-Safe procedures will be in place
  2. Students must book in online for each class
  3. Adult students must wear a face mask on arrival / departure
  4. All students must wear suitable footwear (trainers / Martial Arts shoes)
  5. We are unable to welcome spectators
  6. Please stay at home if you have any symptoms / not feeling 100%

We recognise that there are some students and families that are either unable or not quite ready to return to face to face classes and so we will be streaming all classes on Zoom as we have done throughout November.  The Zoom classes will be streamed from the live classes and so will run at the same time.  Please use the same zoom codes as per November’s online timetable.

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us (kent@mattfiddes.com)

How to use Zoom

Posted on: November 3rd, 2020 by David Finch
If you are a little unsure, here is a little guide on how to use Zoom.
For the Zoom classes please remember:
  1. Set up the camera so that we can see as much of the student as possible (not just their head)
  2. Space to move
  3. Change your login ID to: “student name & belt colour”
  4. Keep you microphone on “mute”. If you have a question please wave
  5. Log on in plenty of time (no later than 5-min prior to the start of the class
  6. For the little ones, parents – you may wish to join in or be nearby to help
  7. Enjoy!

Here is a simple guide to using Zoom if you are a little unsure: click here

A Guide For Parents And Students On How To Use Zoom


Training in November and the upcoming Gradings

Posted on: November 1st, 2020 by David Finch

Action plan for training and gradings during November

Following on from the Government’s announcement regarding a national lock-down, we will be taking all training and gradings online as we have done before.

With our experience of this we are very confident that all our students will continue to learn and develop over November and we will be back to face-to-face classes on Wednesday, 2nd December.

Here is the update from Master Finch for you to watch: click here

As a summary:

  • Tuesday, 3rd Nov – classes as normal at Ashford Oaks Primary School
  • Wednesday, 4th Nov – classes as normal at Canterbury Primary School
  • Thursday, 5th Nov – classes running on Zoom until December
  • Wednesday, 2nd Dec – classes return to face-to-face

Zoom Class timetable:

  • All online classes will run on the same day & time as our normal timetable
  • This timetable can be found either by logging into this website or on the MF Members Facebook group page

Zoom Classes – important information:

  • Please log on no later than 5-min prior to the start of the class
  • All students are to wear uniforms and belt (as per normal class)
  • Students will need a bottle of water and as much space as possible

15th November Colour-belt Grading:

  • The colour-belt grading on 15th Nov will continue online via Zoom.
  • Same times as currently advertised.
  • Zoom codes will be released once students are registered

15th November Panel Grading:

  • The panel grading on 15th Nov will continue online via Zoom.
  • Same times as currently advertised.
  • Zoom codes will be released once students are registered.
  • This will be for red-stripe & red belts only.
  • For students who are Deputy Black Belt and above, you will have the opportunity to have a face-to-face Panel on Sunday, 13th December.

COVID & Classes update (23rd Sept) – PLEASE READ

Posted on: September 23rd, 2020 by David Finch


Following on from yesterday’s government announcement I wanted to just update you all and reassure all parents and students about classes.
Class are still running
The recent government announcement (22nd Sept) does allow us to continue our classes as long as we continue to monitor the situation and put into practice our COVID-Safe protocols and guidelines. With your help and patience we will continue to provide fun and safe classes for both Instructors and students
1 NEW Addition to our COVID Guidelines – WAITING IN CARS
One of the biggest concerns discussed in the government announcement was the congregation of groups. Therefore, from today (23rd Sept) we will insist on all students and parents to wait in their cars until an Instructors signals for you to come in to class. Parents please stay in your cars. Points to note:
  • all students & parents to wait in cars before & during classes
  • there is to be no spectating through windows until further notice
  • if you do not arrive by car please wait at a safe distance from other people that may be waiting
  • new parents will be allowed to accompany their child / children to the door
  • please ensure children know to use the toilet as they come to class (max. 1 x student per toilet at any one time)
  • at the end of the class please stand by your vehicles so the Instructors can send your chid / children to you
** If parents are found to be congregating together we could be fined or closed down **
Reminder for all parents & students
  1. Always book you child / children for every class
  2. Arrive early and ready to start (one of the biggest disruptions to classes is late arrivals)
  3. Bring water
  4. Wear appropriate footwear (no flips-flops / crocks / sandals etc)
  5. If you have symptoms please follow the government guidelines and act appropriately
  6. Students are welcome to wear face masks & gloves during classes should they wish
What happens if we go into another full lock-down?
We are prepared and we have a plan. If the worst should happen we will notify you all as soon as possible and go straight into our online programme (all details and timetables will be released at the time). Training and learning will continue. This online programme does include the Grading scheduled for 15th November.
Thank you for all of your help and patience as we work through this. Together, we will ensure classes remain safe, challenging and fun.
Master Finch

Grading Day – 15th November

Posted on: September 21st, 2020 by David Finch

Sunday, 15th November 2020 – GRADING DAY (all levels)

After all the hard work and dedication during COVID 2020 we are delighted to be able to provide this opportunity for our students to be tested. This will be open to all age groups and belt levels (invite only).

Venue: The Canterbury Primary School, Canterbury

Times: tbc

(White – Blue belts will be in the morning and Red-stripes & above will be in the afternoon)

We will release all the necessary details as soon as we have finalised them.  For now, please put this date in your diary.

How do I know if my child has been invited?

Due to the COVID guidelines in place we are unable to award the Black Tag to students to indicate that they have been invited.  Instead we will:

  1. Tell the students in class
  2. Send a follow-up text direct to parents / guardians

What is the schedule for the day?

We will release timings as soon as we have confirmed them.  The day will run slightly differently due to the safety measures we will have in place, all of which will be explained in due course.

Do I have to register my son / daughter / myself for the Grading?

If you have been invited (i.e. told in class and received the text) you will be given all the details of what to do and how to do it.  Once invited, you will need to confirm your place by paying online – details to be given out soon.

Do I need to complete any paperwork / homework?

Our younger students will still need to complete their homework to be considered for the Grading.  This must be sent via e-mail to us.  Again, more details will be given soon to those students who have been invited.

You will not need / be allowed to hand in any paperwork on the day.  For the application form you will simply need to read it.  By paying online you are confirming that you have read and understood all the relevant details concerning the Grading.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me (kent@mattfiddes.com) and in the meantime – practice, practice and practice some more.


Posted on: September 11th, 2020 by David Finch

All classes are still running under COVID safety guidelines

We wanted to update you following the COVID-19 Government Announcement yesterday introducing a new “Rule of 6” to be implemented as of Monday 14th September.  Please rest assured that this guidance does not affect our School or your training in any way. As a COVID-19 secure establishment following strict guidance and protocols, we will not be required to restrict training groups to 6, but rather continue with the strict social distancing rules we currently apply.

To support this, please see below official guidance offered by Sport England which states:

“The Government has confirmed that organised sports and activities that have been through return to play protocols can continue” 

“People can also continue to use leisure facilities, including gyms and pools – classes within these venues can continue as they are now. People should not go to these venues socially in groups of more than six”

With this in mind, we remind you that for any parents or guardians that remain either within or outside the venue during lesson time, please make sure you remain in groups of 6 or less.

We will continue to monitor Government guidance as and when it is released in an effort to make sure our School is 100% compliant meaning that both our students and staff are kept as safe as possible.

We look forward to seeing you in class!

ASHFORD CLASSES – change of timetable

Posted on: September 8th, 2020 by David Finch

Change of timetable

From Tuesday, 15th September the new timetable for MF Ashford will be:

  • Mighty Matts – 5:00 – 5:30pm
  • Juniors – 5:45 – 6:30pm

Please remember to book your places each week via the grey “Book Appointment” on our website.

Online 1-2-1 Training

Posted on: August 20th, 2020 by David Finch

Online 1-2-1 Training – starting 1st September 

If you would like to supplement your Martial Arts training with a little extra then these online 1-2-1 sessions will be ideal for you.  You can book single sessions or get a discount when booking for 5 or 10 sessions in advance.

All the prices, terms and conditions are available to download from;

  • this website (you must log on first)
  • from our “MF Kent Members & Online Training” group page (in the “files” section) – click here

Please be sure to read the terms & conditions first and if you have any questions please do get in touch.

Summer shut-down & well done!: 10th – 16th August

Posted on: August 8th, 2020 by David Finch

Summer shut-down – no classes 10th – 16th August

It has been a very strange and challenging few months and, on reflection, I think we all deserve a good rest both mentally and physically.

I am so proud of the MF Kent family for all that you have achieved since March and all that you have maintained throughout this period.  As we look back at this time this will sere as a very important lesson to us all; that, no matter what challenges lay ahead, if we want to achieve anything in life, sometimes the path will be hard and unknown but if we stick to our values and believe in ourselves we will come through the other side.

A huge thank you to all our students and families for your determination to continue your training and to our wonderful Instructors and Juniors Instructors who have given such a significant amount of time, energy and resources to enable everyone’s Martial Arts journey to continue.

Have a well deserved rest and I cannot wait to return with you all and see what exciting things the latter part of 2020 will bring.

All the best

Master Finch

Launch of NEW syllabus and online curriculum videos

Posted on: August 4th, 2020 by David Finch

NEW MF Syllabus coming soon!

We are very excited to be launching the brand new MF syllabus for all ages.  Some students may have noticed a few extra drills and / or techniques being taught these last two weeks and this is the start.

We will be explaining more to all students as we embark on this after the week break but the most important thing to note is that this is a very exciting change but one that will not disrupt a student’s learning or progression.

New syllabus now available online

The new syllabus has been filmed for all age groups and is now available to purchase online.  As well as the syllabus, this new online membership will be an ever-growing library of videos to help a students Martial Arts journey.  The options for you are:

1. BASIC PACKAGE: (£4.99/mth OR £45.00/yr) – click here

  • Mighty Matt curriculum
  • Junior & Adult curriculum
  • Black Belt curriculum
  • Additional videos for home training & learning

2. LEADERSHIP / WEAPONS PACKAGE (£6.99/mth / OR £65.00/yr) – click here

  • Mighty Matt curriculum
  • Junior & Adult curriculum
  • Black Belt curriculum
  • Additional videos for home training & learning
  • Extra training videos exclusively for Leadership  Weapons students


What will happen to the free MF Online membership?

  • This will still be available however the content will be reduced over August.  The free package will not contain the new MF syllabus.

Do we have to purchase both packages if we train in both programmes?

  • No. The Leadership / Weapons Package contains everything that the Basic Package has and more.

Do we have to purchase a package for each family member?

  • No. One package is for the whole family to enjoy.



NEW MF Kent Shop - click here



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