Free Online Forms Training with Master Poplett (4th Dan):
💥 This is an open invitation to all instructors and students who are interested in improving or learning forms regardless of their belt level.
💥 The seminar in April will last four hours and will cover all forms up to Sipjin should we need to go that high.
💥 Please know that during this seminar Master Poplett won’t be teaching the moves of each form but rather looking at the technique and finer details.
To make sure we are all up to speed, Master Poplett will be holding a two hour session every other Sunday between the 24th January and the 18th April. In each session she will be working on two forms so, if you wish to learn a new form or need to recap on ones you’ve done before, please attend thus maximising our time during the seminar.
The seminar will start off with Form 1 and then we will work our way up from there. Once all the forms you know have been covered, if you wish to, you may sign out. However all are welcome to follow the seminar until the end.
Dates are as follows:
Lead up Sessions – 10:00-12:00
24th January – Form 1 & 2
7th February – Form 3 & 4
21st February – Recap of previous Forms & Keumgang
7th March – Taebaek & Koryo
21st March – Pyongwon & Sipjin
4th April – Easter Sunday so there will be no training.
Seminar – 10:00-14:00
18th April – All Forms in detail
(Remember, you may leave once all your forms are covered)
If you wish to attend some / all of the FREE sessions please email me and I will send you the Zoom code.
Master Finch (