COVID & Classes update (23rd Sept) – PLEASE READ

Posted on: September 23rd, 2020 by David Finch


Following on from yesterday’s government announcement I wanted to just update you all and reassure all parents and students about classes.
Class are still running
The recent government announcement (22nd Sept) does allow us to continue our classes as long as we continue to monitor the situation and put into practice our COVID-Safe protocols and guidelines. With your help and patience we will continue to provide fun and safe classes for both Instructors and students
1 NEW Addition to our COVID Guidelines – WAITING IN CARS
One of the biggest concerns discussed in the government announcement was the congregation of groups. Therefore, from today (23rd Sept) we will insist on all students and parents to wait in their cars until an Instructors signals for you to come in to class. Parents please stay in your cars. Points to note:
  • all students & parents to wait in cars before & during classes
  • there is to be no spectating through windows until further notice
  • if you do not arrive by car please wait at a safe distance from other people that may be waiting
  • new parents will be allowed to accompany their child / children to the door
  • please ensure children know to use the toilet as they come to class (max. 1 x student per toilet at any one time)
  • at the end of the class please stand by your vehicles so the Instructors can send your chid / children to you
** If parents are found to be congregating together we could be fined or closed down **
Reminder for all parents & students
  1. Always book you child / children for every class
  2. Arrive early and ready to start (one of the biggest disruptions to classes is late arrivals)
  3. Bring water
  4. Wear appropriate footwear (no flips-flops / crocks / sandals etc)
  5. If you have symptoms please follow the government guidelines and act appropriately
  6. Students are welcome to wear face masks & gloves during classes should they wish
What happens if we go into another full lock-down?
We are prepared and we have a plan. If the worst should happen we will notify you all as soon as possible and go straight into our online programme (all details and timetables will be released at the time). Training and learning will continue. This online programme does include the Grading scheduled for 15th November.
Thank you for all of your help and patience as we work through this. Together, we will ensure classes remain safe, challenging and fun.
Master Finch

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