COVID-19 update – 17th March (12pm)
Good afternoon parents, guardians, students and friends,
At this challenging time I firstly would like to wish you all the very best and hope that life has not been too disrupted. Understandably, we have been inundated with questions regarding classes, training and the upcoming Grading on 29th March.
We are constantly reviewing the situation and advice on an hourly basis as well as speaking daily with venues and schools and aim to keep you all informed should anything change. For the moment, all classes and events will continue as normal this week however, this could change and we are prepared for that. That being said, we will be implementing the following:
- All students MUST wash their hands before the start of class.
- We will only allow those students training in the room. All parents / guardians / friends must wait outside or in your cars to limit the number of people in one space.
- We will ask all students waiting for class to wait outside until the class before has left – again, to limit the number of people in one space.
- If you or anyone in your household display any symptoms or generally feel unwell, please do not come to class.
We are putting plans in place should we be forced to close classes and will keep you all informed should this be necessary.
Thank you for your patience and understanding at this challenging time.
Master Finch