Archive for the ‘Gradings’ Category

Grading Registration – deadline (10th Dec)

Posted on: December 8th, 2020 by David Finch
Deadline: Thursday, 10th Dec
For all those students who have been invited to grade on Sunday, 13th Dec, please remember to register.
TO REGISTER you just need to read the appropriate files and pay via bank transfer (all details sent to you).
ZOOM – if you would be more comfortable grading via Zoom please let us know and register in the same way. The zoom code will be sent you you shortly.
Deadline for registrations is the end of Thursday, 10th Dec.
Master Finch

Training in November and the upcoming Gradings

Posted on: November 1st, 2020 by David Finch

Action plan for training and gradings during November

Following on from the Government’s announcement regarding a national lock-down, we will be taking all training and gradings online as we have done before.

With our experience of this we are very confident that all our students will continue to learn and develop over November and we will be back to face-to-face classes on Wednesday, 2nd December.

Here is the update from Master Finch for you to watch: click here

As a summary:

  • Tuesday, 3rd Nov – classes as normal at Ashford Oaks Primary School
  • Wednesday, 4th Nov – classes as normal at Canterbury Primary School
  • Thursday, 5th Nov – classes running on Zoom until December
  • Wednesday, 2nd Dec – classes return to face-to-face

Zoom Class timetable:

  • All online classes will run on the same day & time as our normal timetable
  • This timetable can be found either by logging into this website or on the MF Members Facebook group page

Zoom Classes – important information:

  • Please log on no later than 5-min prior to the start of the class
  • All students are to wear uniforms and belt (as per normal class)
  • Students will need a bottle of water and as much space as possible

15th November Colour-belt Grading:

  • The colour-belt grading on 15th Nov will continue online via Zoom.
  • Same times as currently advertised.
  • Zoom codes will be released once students are registered

15th November Panel Grading:

  • The panel grading on 15th Nov will continue online via Zoom.
  • Same times as currently advertised.
  • Zoom codes will be released once students are registered.
  • This will be for red-stripe & red belts only.
  • For students who are Deputy Black Belt and above, you will have the opportunity to have a face-to-face Panel on Sunday, 13th December.

COVID & Classes update (23rd Sept) – PLEASE READ

Posted on: September 23rd, 2020 by David Finch


Following on from yesterday’s government announcement I wanted to just update you all and reassure all parents and students about classes.
Class are still running
The recent government announcement (22nd Sept) does allow us to continue our classes as long as we continue to monitor the situation and put into practice our COVID-Safe protocols and guidelines. With your help and patience we will continue to provide fun and safe classes for both Instructors and students
1 NEW Addition to our COVID Guidelines – WAITING IN CARS
One of the biggest concerns discussed in the government announcement was the congregation of groups. Therefore, from today (23rd Sept) we will insist on all students and parents to wait in their cars until an Instructors signals for you to come in to class. Parents please stay in your cars. Points to note:
  • all students & parents to wait in cars before & during classes
  • there is to be no spectating through windows until further notice
  • if you do not arrive by car please wait at a safe distance from other people that may be waiting
  • new parents will be allowed to accompany their child / children to the door
  • please ensure children know to use the toilet as they come to class (max. 1 x student per toilet at any one time)
  • at the end of the class please stand by your vehicles so the Instructors can send your chid / children to you
** If parents are found to be congregating together we could be fined or closed down **
Reminder for all parents & students
  1. Always book you child / children for every class
  2. Arrive early and ready to start (one of the biggest disruptions to classes is late arrivals)
  3. Bring water
  4. Wear appropriate footwear (no flips-flops / crocks / sandals etc)
  5. If you have symptoms please follow the government guidelines and act appropriately
  6. Students are welcome to wear face masks & gloves during classes should they wish
What happens if we go into another full lock-down?
We are prepared and we have a plan. If the worst should happen we will notify you all as soon as possible and go straight into our online programme (all details and timetables will be released at the time). Training and learning will continue. This online programme does include the Grading scheduled for 15th November.
Thank you for all of your help and patience as we work through this. Together, we will ensure classes remain safe, challenging and fun.
Master Finch

Grading Day – 15th November

Posted on: September 21st, 2020 by David Finch

Sunday, 15th November 2020 – GRADING DAY (all levels)

After all the hard work and dedication during COVID 2020 we are delighted to be able to provide this opportunity for our students to be tested. This will be open to all age groups and belt levels (invite only).

Venue: The Canterbury Primary School, Canterbury

Times: tbc

(White – Blue belts will be in the morning and Red-stripes & above will be in the afternoon)

We will release all the necessary details as soon as we have finalised them.  For now, please put this date in your diary.

How do I know if my child has been invited?

Due to the COVID guidelines in place we are unable to award the Black Tag to students to indicate that they have been invited.  Instead we will:

  1. Tell the students in class
  2. Send a follow-up text direct to parents / guardians

What is the schedule for the day?

We will release timings as soon as we have confirmed them.  The day will run slightly differently due to the safety measures we will have in place, all of which will be explained in due course.

Do I have to register my son / daughter / myself for the Grading?

If you have been invited (i.e. told in class and received the text) you will be given all the details of what to do and how to do it.  Once invited, you will need to confirm your place by paying online – details to be given out soon.

Do I need to complete any paperwork / homework?

Our younger students will still need to complete their homework to be considered for the Grading.  This must be sent via e-mail to us.  Again, more details will be given soon to those students who have been invited.

You will not need / be allowed to hand in any paperwork on the day.  For the application form you will simply need to read it.  By paying online you are confirming that you have read and understood all the relevant details concerning the Grading.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me ( and in the meantime – practice, practice and practice some more.

Online Grading – huge success

Posted on: June 15th, 2020 by David Finch

On Saturday, 13th June we held our very first online colour-belt grading due to the COVID-19 challenges we are all facing.

To be able to get all our students up to the level expected has been a huge achievement not only from our Instructing team but also, more importantly, for the amazing students and families that have shown so much dedication and determination to continue.  The success of the day was down to you all!

We are delighted to say that the standard was absolutely exceptional across all age groups.  When training or grading online there really is no hiding place or anyone to refer to and hep.  Students have to find another level of confidence and belief and this came through in abundance.

Belts and certificates are being ordered as we speak and I am very much looking forward to getting those out to all successful students very soon.

The training and learning continues and I will see you all very soon.

Well done!

Master Finch

Online Grading Registration

Posted on: June 3rd, 2020 by David Finch

Online Colour-belt Grading – 13th June 2020

Congratulations to all our students who have been invited to attend the upcoming online Grading on 13th June .
Please note there is a small change to the timetable to enable us to assess everyone efficiently and with quality assessment time:
Mighty Matts
Juniors & Adults:
White – Orange belts: 10:15am
Green belts & above: 11:15am
To register for the Grading you must:
  1. Read & understand the online grading guidelines
  2. Read the “COLOUR-BELT APPLICATION FORM – ONLINE” (found in the Files section of the Facebook page or by logging into this website)
  3. Make payment online using the following as a reference: Student name_Belt
  4. Payment must be received no later than Thursday, 11th June 2020 (you will not be able to attend if you have not paid online in time)
  5. Once we have received payment confirmation you will receive the login details via text.
  6. Have your Grading Book ready to show on the day
Payment details are on the application form (you do not need to worry about printing this off).
Any questions please contact me and I look forward to seeing you all do your very best!
Master Finch

Online Colour-belt Grading: 13th June 2020

Posted on: May 19th, 2020 by David Finch

ONLINE GRADING: 13th June 2020

We are very excited to announce our first ever online grading for coloured belts.  During this extraordinary period our students have continued to train extremely hard and have demonstrated many times over the necessary skills, knowledge and attitudes required to be given this opportunity.

Saturday, 13th June 2020 (Zoom)

  • Mighty Matts: 9:30am
  • Junior & Adult white – orange belt: 10:15am
  • Junior & Adult green – blue belt: 11:00am
  • Payment will need to be made online (details & application forms will be available very soon)
  • Once payment has been received, families will receive e-mail confirmation plus the zoom code for the Grading

All students who we feel are ready to take this opportunity will be contacted directly by the MF Kent team.  This opportunity is available for all current students whether they were black tagged prior to lock-down or not.  That being said, if you or your child were awarded a black tag prior to lock-down, it is vital that we see them training live (either 1-2-1 or via a zoom class) so that we can check their levels.

If we have not seen a student live in any way over this lock-down period, unfortunately, we will be unable to put them forward for the grading as we would not have been able to asses their level, even if they have been training at home.

There is still time to work hard and improve so keep training, take the opportunities that are being made available to learn and we will see you in class online.

Guidelines for online the grading:

It is very important that all parents / guardians / students read and understand the online grading guidelines we have issued for this upcoming event.  These can be found:

  • Logging into this website, or
  • MF Kent Online Training Facebook group page

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me ( / 07980 308952).

Master Finch

Red Tag Challenge

Posted on: April 20th, 2020 by David Finch


Red Tag Challenge

During these uncertain and sometimes worrying times it is important that we stick to what we now is right and continue to demonstrate the attitudes of a Black Belt.

The challenge is simple – demonstrate your wonderful Black Belt attribute and earn your Red Tag.

We would like to challenge all our Mighty Matt & Juniors students to earn their RED TAG in the next 3-weeks.  Whether you are Grading or not, we can still learn what it is to be a Black Belt.

  • Download your philosophy / homework sheets (either from this website of the MF Kent Online Training Facebook page)
  • Mighty Matts are to download: “Being Brave”
  • Juniors are to download the philosophy for their belt (the belt they are currently on)
  • Learn the philosophy and put it into practice
  • Send us evidence of you understanding your philosophy and you will earn your RED TAG online and then we will present you with it when we return a normal
  • If you have already earned your RED TAG then this is the perfect opportunity to demonstrate even more wonderful examples

I have explained the importance of the RED TAG in a video on the MF Kent Online Training Facebook page.

Any questions please do ask – who is ready for the challenge?

Master Finch

COVID-19 Update – Upcoming Grading Postponed

Posted on: March 18th, 2020 by David Finch

COVID-19 Update

Ref; the upcoming Grading on 29th March 2020 – POSTPONED

Due to the current situation and the large numbers of students and families who would have attended we have taken the decision to postpone the upcoming Grading on Sunday, 29th March.

We have re-scheduled this for the weekend of 9th May 2020 (Canterbury).  We will confirm whether it is a Saturday / Sunday for you / your children.

Please note that we are having to monitor events daily and so this may change but we will keep you all posted.

KEEP TRAINING – this is important.  You have all worked so hard this year and it is important to maintain what you have accomplished.  May will come around very quickly and we want to be ready.

At this moment in time classes are continuing as normal but please do make note of the actions being putting in place:

  • All students must wash their hands before class.
  • Parents etc must wait outside the hall during the class to reduce numbers.  Please just drop-off and pick-up.
  • All students are to wait outside (in a safe dry place) until the hall has been emptied of the previous class.
  • If you / family members show any symptoms of COVID-19 or just feel unwell please do not come to class.

Thank you for your patience and understand during this challenging time.

Master Finch

Grading day (29th March) – new venue

Posted on: March 16th, 2020 by David Finch

Grading Day – Sunday, 29th March 2020


Due to the number of students attending the Grading on Sunday, 29th March we have changed the venue slightly.  Instead of being at the Primary School, we will be hosting the Grading at the Canterbury High School in the main school hall (look out for signs and flags).

Here is a link to the school.

All times are as advertised – please arrive in plenty of time.

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